
近年来,区块链技术的发展速度之快、势头之好令全球瞩目。为了区块链更健康地发展,IEEE、ISO、W3C、ITU等国际化组织均已展开区块链标准制定工作。2020年6月,趣链科技率先发力牵头制定IEEE数字金融与经济标准委员会(IEEE Digital Finance and Economy Standards Committee,以下称 IEEE DFESC)两项区块链标准:P3801、P3802。两项标准均为IEEE DFESC推出的第一批国际标准,旨在推动电子证据在电子商务领域的应用与发展。

趣链科技率先发力 牵头制定IEEE区块链国际标准
图注1:趣链科技率先发力 牵头制定IEEE区块链国际标准


作为IEEE DFESC的重要成员及区块链核心技术领军者,趣链科技始终坚持推动区块链技术标准化、应用化,并取得显著成效。以下是趣链科技此次牵头制定的两项区块链标准详解:


名称:Standard for Blockchain-based Electronic Contracts

范围:This standard defines a reference architecture and terminology for the application of blockchain in electronic contracts. Functional requirements and technical indicators are also defined.

意义:Today there is no standardized framework for integration of blockchain technology with electronic contracts. This standard is needed to enable blockchain service providers to integrate blockchain with electronic contract business processes, to enable tamper-proof, full-process traceable blockchain electronic contracts. Use of blockchain also enables contract tracking and auditing to support business and regulatory needs.


名称:Standard for Application Technical Specification of Blockchain-based E-Commerce Transaction Evidence Collecting

范围:This standard specifies the terminology, technical reference architecture,basic functional requirements, and technical indicators for the application of blockchain in E-commerce transaction evidence collecting, which is the foundation of digital business interactions.

意义:Today, blockchain service providers design and develop blockchain-based access certificate platforms using proprietary architectures. A standard is needed to provide a common terminology and architecture to enable poad industry use of certificates in blockchain based e-commerce transactions.

目前,区块链技术已经广泛应用于电子商务领域中,并在使用过程中表现出了一些不可替代的优势。作为国内区块链行业首个准独角兽企业,趣链科技自成立以来就深耕区块链技术产业应用,自主研发的一站式电子存取证平台飞洛印,具备数据存证、网页取证、过程取证、APP取证等服务功能,满足各种场景下的存取证需求,有利于充分发挥知识产权保护、市场监督管理、协助司法审判中的特殊作用,有效实现电子证据的公平、公正。 未来是电子证据更加数字化的世界,趣链科技会进一步发挥区块链的技术优势,赋能区块链在更多领域应用发展。

趣链科技率先发力 牵头制定IEEE区块链国际标准
图注2:趣链科技率先发力 牵头制定IEEE区块链国际标准



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